Why are stainless steel water tanks a popular choice for storing water? We look into why steel is a much preferred material over alternatives, such as concrete & polyethylene.

1.) Less Maintenance required

Stainless Steel Storage Tanks have many advantages over their polyethylene or concrete counterparts, but one of the main advantages is their durability. Stainless steel as a material is much more durable, meaning that ultimately, it will last longer and require much less maintenance. Being an extremely strong metal, this means that stainless steel storage tanks can hold much more water than other materials. Naturally, this makes stainless steel storage tanks a perfect choice for large businesses who need to store a large amount of fluids, like pubs or breweries. If you’re looking for a durable, strong, and easy to maintain storage tank, stainless steel is a perfect choice for you.

2.) Cleaner Results

What’s one of the most important things to ensure when storing water or any other fluids? Cleanliness. Steel storage tanks are easy to clean, and keep their contained fluids clean throughout. Although handy for storage, both concrete & polyethylene tanks are prone to a build up of dirt and other bacteria. With a stainless steel tank, you can be sure that your water, beer, or any other fluid is always clean, and safe to drink.

3.) Longevity and Durability

2,000 litre stainless steel vertical mixing vessel on 4 legs with top mounted mixer/ You guessed it, stainless steel tanks last much longer than their concrete or polyethene alternatives. This is because stainless steel tanks offer a much greater resistance to many common storage tank problems, including cavitation, wear & tear, and corrosion. But there are more reasons why stainless steel is a much better material for storage tanks overall. One big factor is heat resistance. While other materials can easily be exposed to harmful radiations, stainless steel is not affected by this. Additionally, stainless steel as a material is far less likely to rust in old age, crack due to damage, or freeze in colder conditions.